(Main page)
Executive Summary
- discuss why we decided to choose photography
- state that there are different kinds of photography in our current day
and age and that it has grown from normal films, to polaroids to digital
camera etc. (even the type of cameras have changed over the years)
- how has this development of photography impacted the world on a whole (source of information, social, political impacts)
- define photography
- probably give a list of the types of photography/camera
Historical Perspective
- background info on the invention of the camera? (who invented it, when and why etc)
- when the camera was first introduced, only specific people had access to a camera (a symbol of power)
- discuss the growth and changes in photography since it's invention (timeline of its evolution, using Kodak as a case study)
Current Situation
- how cameras are now available to the majority
- how has development in photography changed our lives? (To quote the iPhone advertisement "we can now capture any memory, every dimple, every smile, every …)
- are the impacts as a result of the changes in photography significant?
- How so? (We can mention how we get information from photographs (in journalism), advertisement, etc...)
Future considerations
- where do we see photography advancing to?
- are there any new developments in photography that is currently being
developed or researched? (could refer to the "wvil" that integrates the iPhone with the DSLR)
-In the near future, could there be a possibility of 3D photos?
- are we optimistic or pessimistic about the future of photography?
- can it potentially be replaced by another type of technology?
(Subsequent pages, 1)
Photography in sports
-how it has changed from the past, to the present
-what we foresee in the future
(Subsequent pages, 2)
Photography used in journalism (promoting certain values or ideas)
-how photography has been used for political or social agendas over time
-how everyone can be a photojournalist themselves now
(Subsequent pages, 3)
Photography and it's impact on culture (arts)
-impact on artists
-photography seen as a new artform (can it replace traditional art)
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